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01HKRA Team Photo
04Meeting With Lam
06粵港澳大灣區教育沙龍 2024
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Hong Kong Radiographers’ Association (HKRA) was formed when two professional bodies of radiographers merged in 1990, namely the Association of Government Radiographers (AGR), founded in 1974, and the Hong Kong Diagnostic Radiographers Association (HKDRA), founded in 1980s from graduates of the Hong Kong Polytechnic Institute. HKRA is a union for radiographers (diagnostic and therapeutic) in Hong Kong registered under the Supplementary Medical Professions Ordinance (SMPO) Chapter 359H.

Our objective is to assure professional ethics, excel standards of practice, and uphold status of practitioners in medical imaging and radiation therapy locally and internationally, as well as to promote the welfare of its members.

With growing membership of over 600 radiographers from various sectors of practice, our Association regularly disseminates information via our website, e-Bulletins and member emails, as well as organizing educational events including Annual Scientific Meetings and Radiographer Continuing Education Programmes. HKRA will continue to collaborate with other professional bodies in promoting better healthcare service for the public, and is currently a member society of the International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT).