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1.Bamboos Health Care

Bamboos Health Care Holdings Limited is now offering the following service to our HKRA members with special discount til 31-03-2026. HKRA members are welcome to visit their health centre and health mart (百本市集) located at Mong Kok. To enjoy the special offer, HKRA members please show your HKRA membership card (photo is accepted). More services and special offer by Bamboos will be provided in the future. Any Updated information will be posted here or through HKRA Whatsapp channel.

Services and special offer to HKRA member:

  1. 西醫服務 – 由參與本計劃的註冊西醫提供的診症服務(不包藥費),HKRA會員專享特惠診症費 HK$220(政府及/或醫院管理局特定計劃(例如普通科門診公私營協作計劃、慢性疾病共同治理先導計劃等)的相關診症費除外。藥費及/或特效藥(如抗生素等)藥費,則按個別臨床需要,由醫生和病人另議。
  1. 中醫服務 – 由指定醫師/推拿師提供的中醫理療服務(例如針灸、艾炙、中醫耳穴),HKRA會員專享九折優惠
  1. 百本市集 – 特選醫療用品(如電動輪椅、輪椅、助行用具及復康器具等)、保健產品及指定生活百貨商品,HKRA會員專享「會員價」額外九五折優惠

    Address:901, 9/F, Good Hope Building, 612-618 Nathan Road, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong (3-minute-walk from Exit E2, Mong Kok MTR Station

    Tel:(852) 2575 5893/2575 5316/6300 9229

2.  鋒生有限公司

ESSO油卡 – 香港放射師協會會員專屬優惠

鋒生有限公司是埃克森美孚認可油咭代理商,獲授權簽發「埃索 (ESSO) 車隊咭(黑咭)」。現專屬為香港放射師協會會員帶來以下油咭優惠:

            1. Synergy汽油折扣:每公升減 $6.5;

            2. 逢星期四免費升級至Synergy Supreme+特級汽油;


有興趣申請的會員,請登入以下網址 申請。


如有查詢,可致電鋒生有限公司客戶服務熱線:2301 2323  (辦公時間:星期一至五 上午9:00 – 下午6:00)。


3. AT Plus 

AT Plus is a company which is selling a variety of electronic products including Apple product, smartphone, small home appliances and etc. Now they are offering special discount for selected items to HKRA member. The selected items will be listed in the catalog and will be here.
